This post will sensitize you on what to consider before renting a house in Lagos, it is inspired by the real-life experiences of Lagosians and what they go through when they rent houses in Lagos. Read on and learn

Lagos is a city with many opportunities, making people trooping from within and outside the country to seek greener pastures, due to the regular inflow of visitors to the state, the need for renting an apartment increases, thus making landlords, developers, and realtors smiles to the bank.

Renting a house holds a lot of excitement, the chance to live in a new environment, meet new people, and probably live in a better home than the former one, to rent a comfortable and problem-free house in Lagos you need to pay attention to various factor we will be discussing below.

What To Do Before Renting A House In Lagos

The following will guide you on the things you need to do before renting a house in Lagos, ensure you follow them carefully to be able to get the best from the new home you intend to rent.

1. Budget

Budgeting is the first step to renting a house, this is where figure out and set aside the specific amount you intend to spend for your new home, it determines the kind of house and neighborhood to live in, some neighborhoods in Lagos like Victoria Island, Ikoyi, and Lekki could be expensive, while some are affordable. Planning accordingly based on your budget helps you not to overspend when renting a house in Lagos.

Also, aside from the rent of the apartment, it is important to consider utility bills and other hidden costs that may cause you financial stress.

2. Make Research

Many people make the mistake of not researching the houses and neighborhoods in Lagos they intend to live in Lagos, Lagos is faced with various challenges like bad roads, poor electricity supply, rubbery attacks in the area, flooding, and even the neighbors to live with. It’s important to do thorough research to uncover what you don’t like and address it rather than finding out after making a payment.

3. Location

Another factor to consider when renting a house in Lagos is the Location, this plays an important role in your comfort and safety, the location you choose also will impact the expenses you will make such as cost of living, cost of transportation, utilities, cost of repairs, and other location-based expenses.

Another thing to consider when choosing a location is proximity to work, a kid’s school, essential amenities, and emergency care reach. This is very important when renting a house in Lagos.

4. Security

This section should never be neglected as is very important to lives and property, In Lagos some neighborhoods are known for constant rubbery attacks, clashes, pickpockets, and street thug bullies. It is important to consider how safe the area is for you and your family before payment.

Another security aspect to consider is the proximity of your home to the nearest police station, fire service, and other armed forces base, this is important in case of emergency you should be able to get a prompt response.

Also, if is a civilized neighborhood neighborhood check for other security measures already in place, such as gated compounds, security guards, and CCTV cameras, all these make the environment safe and are crucial for peace of mind.

5. Infrastructure and Amenities

Check the infrastructure and amenities reliability in the area. I am sure no one wants to move into a neighborhood that gets an electricity supply twice a week, that could be annoying. that is why you should look for amenities like power supply, good road network, availability of clean water, supermarkets, hospitals, schools, and recreational centers.

All these are basic infrastructural amenities that make life easier, ensure you double-check for them before you rent your new house in Lagos.

6. Transport Links

Transportation Links are important to consider before renting a house in Lagos. Various transportation options in Lagos take people from and to their destinations, It is vital to get access to them easily from areas where you intend to rent your house in Lagos.

From experience, some years ago I rented an apartment in an estate where the major means of transportation in Lagos were not allowed the estate, most occupants drive their cars in and out to their destination, and my apartment was very far inside, I didn’t have a car, at some point I was forced to buy a car out of my budget. So, before renting a house in Lagos evaluate the transportation options available, proximity to major roads, and bus stops.

7. Landlord and Tenancy Agreement

Another thing to consider when renting a house in Lagos is the landlord and tenancy agreement. Don’t panic, these are simple terms between the owner of the house and the person renting, such as asking about rent increases, maintenance responsibilities, and rules about modifications or subletting and reaching a concrete agreement.

You need to read carefully and understand all the agreements, and object to the ones that are not comfortable for you, if the landlord chooses to adjust it means you have an agreed term, this is important because if you go contrary to the agreements you could be held responsible and if the land breaks the agreements he could equally be held for it

8. Inspection and Condition

Inspect the house you are about to rent, some houses have hidden faults like leaky roofs, bad electrical connections, plumbing issues, poor ventilation systems, high noise levels, and other faults in the environment the Agent or landlords will not tell you about. Some may matter to you due to beliefs, tastes, etc.

One of our team members narrates his ordeal.

“ I once rented an apartment at Agbele, Abule Egba area of Lagos, sharing the same fence with the Mountain of Fire Church Branch, they were always holding night vigils, and the church horn speaker was directly facing my window. I was always forced to wake up at night. All through my stay in the compound I regretted”

That is not what you want for yourself, a good strategy is to visit the premises at different hours to inspect the house personally and ascertain satisfaction before paying for it.

9. Neighboring Tenants

Your peace of mind and that of your family matters, considering the kind of neighbors you will have is vital. Some neighbors could drive you crazy, there are some people you can never live with happily no matter how hard you control yourself or ignore them. You wouldn’t want to have a hell as a home.

I understand that people have different characters and some could be hidden, before you make a financial commitment to your new landlord at least try to make an effort to know who you will be staying with as neighbors. Also, it is important for you to always be on good behavior to be able to have good living terms

Having friendly and respectful neighbors can greatly enhance your living experience. If possible, talk to current tenants about their experiences. This can give you insights into the landlord’s responsiveness and the general atmosphere of the building.

10. Payment Plan

Before renting a house in Lagos it is essential to consider the payment plan, most houses in Lagos have an annual payment plan, except for a few short stays like service apartments and hotel rooms which are paid for on a monthly and daily basis respectively.
It is important to consider the one that’s convenient for you to pay, if you opt for the daily or monthly option ensure that it aligns with your income flow to avoid embarrassment


Renting a house in Lagos can be an exciting yet challenging experience. By paying attention to factors such as budget, research, location, and security, you can make informed choices that enhance your comfort and safety. Understanding the importance of infrastructure, transport links, and nearby amenities will ensure a smoother transition into your new home.

Additionally, inspecting the property thoroughly and reviewing the tenancy agreement are crucial steps in avoiding potential pitfalls. Equally important is getting to know your neighboring tenants, as they significantly impact your living experience. considering all these, you can find a comfortable and rewarding home in Lagos.