If you’ve ever wondered how people survive in Lagos with many living difficulties like the cost of living, bad roads, terrible traffic, corrupt public officials, harsh economy, unfriendly government policies, Early morning schedules, and late-night returns. We will discuss them all and guide you on how to survive in Lagos.

Lagos is a city with a lot of fortune and hurdles, with various challenges ranging from Stress, cost of living, street bullies, and general hardship influenced by hassle economy and unfriendly government policies, corruption, and. All these make survival in Lagos for the strong and fittest. Someone once said if you can survive in Lagos you can survive anywhere in the world. To sharpen your survival instincts in Lagos we put together these pieces from the absolute experience of years of staying in Lagos.

Survival Tips in Lagos

Surviving in Lagos requires a lot of experience, and some careful thoughts and strategies, these are relevant tips that will help you survive in Lagos despite all the challenges.

1. Have a Solid Source of Income

Lagos is an expensive city due to the high living costs that are necessities, Living in Lagos incurs so many expenses, such as food, housing, transportation, utilities, and other cost, to survive in Lagos you need a tangible source of income to beat expenses and save for emergency.

To survive in Lagos be prepared to double down your hustles and strive for multiple sources of income, don’t be shy to try out various legal means of livelihood such as trying out some of the businesses you can do in Lagos to improve your income and maintain a healthy spending habit.

it is important to note that when you don’t have a solid source of income in Lagos survival becomes a challenge, that is one of the reasons you lot of people become homeless, live in slums, and resort to begging for arms,

2. Be Street Smart

Lagos is a huge city with a population of 16,536,000 in 2024, this comprises people from different states, religions, races, backgrounds, and all walks of life, these people have different characters and motives that influence life in Lagos.
Surviving in Lagos requires several street orientations, the city has many unfriendly people looking for who to exploit.

It is safe to be smart and observant in public places like bus stops, public transportation, streets, religious gatherings, and even In your neighborhood, don’t be too quick to disclose sensitive information to strangers, and be mindful of people who tend to be unnecessarily friendly and suspicious in a way.

There is no special handbook or a special guide to being street smart in Lagos, just be vigilant while interacting with everyone and always look out for what seems off and too good to be true, don’t second guess yourself, whenever you find yourself in an unfriendly position try and leave immediately.

3. Know Your Neighborhood

When you get into a new neighborhood, knowing your way around and navigating around shortcuts, streets, and closures will save you a lot of stress and make your activities and life easier.

One of our reporters recalls an experience with a bike man a while ago.

“In my new neighborhood, he carried me from a minute walkable distance to my house, drove me for 20 minutes then dropped me in front of my house charging me 400 naira, simply because I wasn’t familiar with my neighborhood.”

Sounds nothing serious right? well, it could have been in a worse scenario than that, the point is if he took time to know his environment he wouldn’t spend carelessly on a simple navigation to his house.

So, to survive in Lagos it makes sense to familiarize yourself with your neighborhood, take a stroll around your neighborhood, and ask questions about prominent places, this could help have an actual consciousness of your environment

4. Know Someone In Authority

Living in Lagos is not for the faint-hearted. Let’s face it Nigeria is a corrupt society where the rights of the citizens are violated carelessly in one way or another, while staying in Lagos you will come in contact with corrupt people such as the Police, Lagos State Traffic management officers (LASTMA), Vehicle Inspection officers (VIO), Road Safety Officials or even Touts who will want to harass or exhaust you of your hard-earned money.

Knowing someone in power such as a senior Police officer, a high-ranked army officer, a road Safety boss, or a top-level Politician you can reach out when in trouble will save you so much trouble. Calling out for help from someone in a top position is a logical way to survive Brutality and harassment while staying in Lagos

5. Money Buys Loyalty

Money rules the world in most cities, and Lagos is not exempted, with money you have everyone on your side including the Police, Armed forces, politicians, community leaders, Touts, and even your landlords, all this boils down to the first tip mentioned above, to survive in Lagos be ready to dash out some Naira, this will buy you great influence and command respect in the society.

Although that’s not the sign of like likeness, it is what commands the power and you should do as much to keep the naira flowing otherwise in no time you will be forgotten and regarded as everyone else.

The power of money as a survival factor in Lagos, especially if you intend to gain any public support such as Political position, public votes, and accreditations of any kind in Lagos, always be ready to spend money and your name will remain on the lips of Lagossians

6. Belong To An Organization

Surviving in Lagos alone isn’t easy, you need some forces to reckon with in the state, this could be in the form of organizations such as clubs, churches, mosques, political Parties, unions, and associations. These organizations are gathering of people teamed up for a common aim.

Being a part of organizations such as the Rotary Club of Lagos offers tremendous benefits that ensure your safety, well-being and focus on a cause, note that the organization mentioned does not include cult groups, religious extremists, and other non-law-abiding bodies. So, it is important to carefully research any organization you want to join and know its core objectives.

In Summary

Surviving in Lagos requires a blend of resourcefulness, strategic connections, and street smarts. A solid source of income is your foundation, providing stability amidst the city’s fast-paced and often unpredictable environment. Street smarts, the second key, empower you to navigate daily challenges and avoid potential pitfalls, keeping you safe and informed.

Understanding your neighborhood is equally crucial, as this knowledge not only fosters a sense of community but also enhances your ability to move around efficiently and safely. Equally important is having connections with people in positions of authority. These relationships can open doors and provide protection, making your life in Lagos smoother and more manageable.

In a city where money often speaks louder than words, understanding that money buys loyalty is a reality you must embrace. It’s a principle that can facilitate smoother interactions and quicker solutions to problems. Lastly, belonging to an organization offers a support system, networking opportunities, and a sense of belonging that can be invaluable.

Combining these elements will help you not just survive, but thrive in Lagos.